Pax Bible
Read, search and compare the Bible in many languages/translations.
The Pax Bible app offers many cool features, but still appears modest and straightforward.
For free and ad-free!
Five Bible translations are pre-installed, many more can be downloaded with 1 click.
And over 2000 other translations in over 800 languages can be easily imported.
The app itself is currently available in 7 languages.
The Pax Bible app is available as real Android and iOS app, as well as a web app.
The Android and iOS apps also offer the full range of functions offline.
A login or registration is not necessary.
One of the outstanding features is the comparison function.
This allows two translations to be read synchronously side by side, in the same or another language.
If the translations selected for this purpose contain the Strong numbers for the Hebrew and Greek word roots,
tapping on a word will also highlight the corresponding word in the other column.
The search function offers simple yet powerful options,
such as searching for multiple words that must be close to each other regardless of their order.
When the comparison function is active, both translations are searched at the same time.
The words or parts of sentences found are highlighted in color.
A diagram shows where in the Bible the verses found are located.
In addition, individual words, verses or chapters can be marked with freely definable colors.
For words, you can choose whether they should be displayed in just one verse, in one chapter or in the entire Bible.
Thanks to the Strong numbers, the colors of the words are also displayed in other translations.
Other functions are:
• Dictionary for Hebrew and Greek words, including interesting references within the current translation
• Colored highlighting of the words of Jesus
• Extensive list of parallel passages
• Searchable own notes on verses
• Roll the dice to select a «random» verse
• Reading plans (e.g. PowerHour, Revival)
• Create QR codes that can be recorded with a camera app.
The installed Pax Bible app or otherwise a browser will then open at the selected location
• Read aloud function (not available for all languages)
• Dimmed mode
• Bible statistics with all words, sorted by frequency
• Super fast
• And: Works even if you don't have your favorite Bible with you as a book \uD83D\uDE0A
None of the functions mentioned are presented in an intrusive way,
so that you can easily focus on God's word, which is the main purpose of the Pax Bible app.
May God touch many hearts through the Pax Bible App!